MATR Capital is a financial company that connects OEMs to customers by removing financial barriers.

Removing the barrier of CapEx funding.

Most companies have a difficult time upgrading outdated machines due to high costs and lack of knowledgable operators. Utilizing a machine-as-a-service model, we purchase the machines from the OEM and the end-user pays MATR Capital per minute the machine is active and available using secure blockchain transactions. This model moves machine expenses from a capital expenditure to an operating expense.

In addition to financial accessibility, we remove the barriers of knowledgable operators. Aside from regular maintenance, the OEMs service the machines and an online portal provided by SteamChain provides user-driven insights into machine productivity.

Decisions about the machine, installation and service are all determined by the OEM and customer. MATR Capital purchases the machine and manages all of the transactions.

When the machine is no longer needed, the end-user simply arranges the return of the machine to MATR Capital.


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